The Blood Type Diet®

In order to understand the blood type diet, it is important to acknowledge ancestry. 

According to Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, different blood types originate from different stages of human development. This explains how certain foods react in different metabolic environments with each blood type.

Often overlooked or not really talked about, our blood type antigen is one of the most important markers in our blood. Our blood type antigen is responsible for the safeguard of our immune system, therefore, eating specific foods can strengthen or weaken our immunity.

Blood type O represent the first man, the hunter-gatherer. They are very dynamic and lead active lifestyles, thrive on a diet high on animal protein and dark leafy greens for most. Type O have high levels of enzymes in their stomachs, allowing them to break down tough foods like red meat. They do not process carbs easily and simple carbs like grains are often turned into fat and cholesterol.  

Blood type A emerged when large populations escaped drastic climate changes for favorable living conditions, settling in a continental “European” region. Resourceful migrants, type A have more sensitive bodies in comparison to their vigorous type O cousins. Type A are named the first farmers, and thrive broadly on a pescatarian diet, some poultry and lots of vegetables.

Blood type B is strikingly the most geographically concentrated. It may have emerged in the Himalayan highlands and developed amongst Mongolian tribes. Stretched to the East, today type B is found in condensed numbers around India, Mongolia, China and Japan. 

Blood type B are adaptable to changeable environments. This flexibility translates into a dietary balance welcoming a carnivorous as well as a vegetarian diet. 

Blood type AB is the rarest, and only 1200 years young! 
Type AB emerged differently. It did not emerge in reaction to its environment, rather it is the result of intermingling between blood types A and B and therefore share characteristics of these two types. On a metabolic level, this means that blood type AB inherited the sensitive type A stomach, delivering low stomach acid but is balanced by the type B flexibility.

‘Eat Right 4 Your Type’ by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo

What it’s about : 
In this book, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo demonstrates our blood types are largely responsible for the health of our immunity and how food will impact our immune response. Based on his lifelong research, he believes that eating certain foods that go along with your blood type will help you boost your immune system, improve your metabolism, and feel better in general. 

Why it’s great :
“One man’s food is another one’s poison” a quote that sums the book pretty well. It is a beautifully written, informative book that will give you insight on the origin of blood types, the diet with scientific evidence, food lists and shopping lists, tips and recipes. Supported with research, it’s a great way to learn more about how the body behaves in certain environments.It gives you a reason to pick up a few good habits along the way even though you don’t necessarily want to change everything right away.